Brightening during fade

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Registriert: 14.03.09, 19:18

Brightening during fade

Beitrag von MikeOates »

I have a big problem with m-objects v5.0 Build 2166 that I think is a bug, it was also in v4.5 but being new to the program I thought I was doing something wrong. But I met Henk Tulp last month, and he also had the same problem on his laptop, so the problem is not with me or the PC.

Take two identical images and do a simple fade from one to the other with a linear curve. You will find that there is a brightening of the image during the fade. This should not happen, the projection window shows the total percentage is 100% throughout the fade.

Normally you will not notice this, but if you are fading from an image that is only slightly different to the next, the problem is quite noticeable.

It can be reduced a little by adjusting the curve manually creating a gentle curve like the progressive curve, but this is very fiddly and I have not managed to get it right so far.

Thank you,

Beiträge: 264
Registriert: 09.01.10, 9:12
Wohnort: Markt Schwaben

Beitrag von QuiverTree »

Hello MikeOates,

try the fading described on page 116 of the pdf-manual. It uses non-additive mixing and produces absolutely no brightness changes.

Best regards

Beiträge: 25
Registriert: 14.03.09, 19:18

Beitrag von MikeOates »


Wonderful :) many thanks for your help, I downloaded the help file, which is unfortunately in German, which I cannot read. But looking at the screen shots I can see how this works.

What a pity that there is no English version of the manual, I would learn so much from that and I am sure many more people would as well.

BUT: Now that I can cross fade between 2 images, what can I do if I have a sequence of many images?

Thank you,

Beiträge: 44
Registriert: 18.09.07, 9:36
Wohnort: Hohenlohe-Franken

Beitrag von abacus »

MikeOates hat geschrieben: what can I do if I have a sequence of many images?
Thats excactly the problem I also have to deal with at the moment. In my case its only 8 pictures of that kind, so I used 8 picture lines (of how you call them).

Beiträge: 25
Registriert: 14.03.09, 19:18

Beitrag von MikeOates »


I have just realised by experimenting that only two lines are needed. The top line has the images with Image Blending set to overlapping and the bottom line has the Image Blending set to additive. The bottom line has no fades. This image which shows what I mean:

You can have as many images as you want this way. So I have now sorted out the problem :D

Beiträge: 44
Registriert: 18.09.07, 9:36
Wohnort: Hohenlohe-Franken

Beitrag von abacus »

:? that solution was just too simple :oops: ... good job!

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Beitrag von beamer »

MikeOates hat geschrieben:... I downloaded the help file, which is unfortunately in German, which I cannot read ... What a pity that there is no English version of the manual, I would learn so much from that and I am sure many more people would as well ...

Thank you, Mike
Even with beeing a German, I would also prefer a fully supported english GUI, manual, help, ... of mobjects. Why? Because first from discussions with international friends I learned, that there is an international market need and business potential for mobjects. I think, that with more business, there is a probability of better evolution of mobjects. isn't it? Second, when communication with international friends about mobjects it is better to use the english version, because hints and tipps about menues, commands, ... have not to be translated always.

Thank you for the question and answers in this topic. The solution is quite important, when using animations without need for too much tracks (Spuren). With slightly changing sequential graphics, an animation can be realized very convenient with only two tracks. In a show this can look like a multi-track animation.

Best Regards from the Beamer
Zuletzt geändert von beamer am 24.09.10, 0:11, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
m.objects v10.1 pro, (see forum: Video Transcoding , Textschatten) | |
| SW: ExifTool, ImageMagick, Drawio, Gimp, Processing, JPhotoTagger, DigiKam, MusicBee, DarkTable, jAlbum | HW: Pentax K-30 + Win10pro64/GTX1050ti |
Oostdijck Arie A.
Beiträge: 32
Registriert: 21.08.04, 17:44
Wohnort: STEENWIJK Holland

Beitrag von Oostdijck Arie A. »

On following side you can find an english manual. It is not a brand new one but a lot names and dates are useful.
The side has the name: There you find a possibility to download the manual
Seit meine Pensionierung mit m.objects. Im Anfang mit baessgen TCX 4040 Steuergeraet und 3 Kodak sav projectoren, spaeter mit die digitale Version. Mitglied von zwei Clubs fuer diese Hobby.