nothing in the show preview

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nothing in the show preview

Beitrag von manu »

Sorry, I'am french, ich habe deutsche gelernnt aber my english is better.

I've got a problem with my Mobjects : all is OK, but when I try to see the show preview, nothing appear.

Is it due to my computer, any program (I've got window 98) or something else.

Thanks for your answer in english or french,
Site Admin
Beiträge: 1255
Registriert: 20.06.02, 15:27
Wohnort: Münster (Westf.)

Beitrag von m.objects »

Hello Manu!

I guess your graphics hardware or graphics driver is to blame for this. Also, an outdated Version of Microsoft DirectX could be the problem.

If you intend to work with classic Slide Projectors and use the m.objects Screen only for preview purposes, this should be no problem for you.
Got to "Options -> Options Programme" (I assume you are using the french version), and in the section "Afficher", please change the mode for the screen from "Choisisser le meilleur Automatiquement" to "Utiliser DirectDraw".

If you want to develop and drive directAV-Productions with this machine, I would propose to contact your m.objects dealer to find out if your systems hardware matches the needs of directAV. If so, you should install the recent graphics drivers and DirectX.

Best regards
Steffen Richter