Photo Book turning page animation

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Registriert: 26.01.11, 2:03

Photo Book turning page animation

Beitrag von fotoJuraj »

Hello from Canada,

I am animating a photobook page turning in ver 8.1. Software is setup for 5 visual tracks and there are about 30 pages in the book.
Each page is rotated in 3D, 0-90 degrees in Y axis.
Everything functions OK for the page 1 (track A), up to page 4 (track D). Track E, most bottom track or page 5, continues on from the Track A or page 6.
The problem is that page 5 should be turning as in a book, instead page 6 replaces it, covering the turning animation.
This happens because in my opinion most top track is the "closest" to the viewer and it "covers" the tracks below (if they are overlapping in a timeline).
For now I can work around the problem by creating number of tracks to equal number of pages.
Thank you for your suggestions.
Juraj Dolanjski
Beiträge: 410
Registriert: 18.07.15, 15:02
Wohnort: München

Re: Photo Book turning page animation

Beitrag von hora58 »

Dear Jurai,

I've had a similar problem some time ago - and found following solution to "save" tracks:

If you have an ongoing animation with overlapping pictures, where the "next" picture should always be below the previous one, you have to "tear apart" the picture on the most bottom track and put its second part seamless on the most top track.

With this method you generate enough space to continue with the next image on track B without covering the image before.
The ideal point to cut the picture apart is the position where the 3D animation begins.
But even a cut in the middle of an animation is possible.
( In this case you have to end up your animation at 45 degrees at the end of part one - and continue again at 45 degrees at part two. To have a fluent effect take care to switch off the acceleration and braking phase of the animation.)
I think you have to experiment a bit.
My (test) result looks like this:

Best Regards
Zuletzt geändert von hora58 am 09.02.19, 8:24, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
m.objects X2024 (2641) Creative, XMG Neo 32GB und Nvidia GTX2070 Super 8GB , Win11/64 Pro ... | Mitglied bei | ...
Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 26.01.11, 2:03

Re: Photo Book turning page animation

Beitrag von fotoJuraj »

Dear Horst,

Thank you so much, as your suggested solution worked really well. I have modified my show and am very happy with it now. You saved me much work!
Your screen shot provided a great visual to work from.
When I posted my question, I wanted to include m.Objects screen shot but could not do it. How did you do it?
Also your test sample posted on Vimeo was great too.
I assume you have an account on Vimeo and you simply provided an URL to the file?

This was my only 2nd posting on the Forum and I have much to learn.
Of course it is great that you speak English, as my German is very rusty.

Thank you again!
Best regards,
Juraj Dolanjski
Beiträge: 410
Registriert: 18.07.15, 15:02
Wohnort: München

Re: Photo Book turning page animation

Beitrag von hora58 »

Hello Jurai,

I am glad if I could help you.

To include a screenshot into a post go to : Attachments>>Add files>>[drag/drop or select from your file system]>>Place inline....(to the position where your mouse cursor is located.)
As shown here:
And yes - I've an Vimeo account ("plus") where I can place videos in a private mode - so that only people provided with my link can view.

Have a good (night) day
m.objects X2024 (2641) Creative, XMG Neo 32GB und Nvidia GTX2070 Super 8GB , Win11/64 Pro ... | Mitglied bei | ...
Beiträge: 258
Registriert: 09.01.05, 13:05

Re: Photo Book turning page animation

Beitrag von gmgroeb »

Hi Jurai,

I did a lot of efforts too, to flip pages in m.objects like a photobook, but bottom line I didn't found a solution satisfying me. Therefore I create in a 3rd party program a video clip with the animated pages and insert this into my m.objects show. You can find such a clip created with Aquasoft Stages: ... e.mp4?dl=0

Complet photobooks I create in Adobe InDesign, export the final version in a pdf, send the one to a provider for a high quality print and create a digital version with FlipPDF from the InDesign-Output. One example: ... index.html

Best Regard
m.objects pro, AGANDO (Ryzen 5 6x 3.6GHz, 16GB, GeForce GTX 1060), Lenovo ThinkPad L430 (i5, 8GB, Intel HD Graphics 4000)
Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 26.01.11, 2:03

Re: Photo Book turning page animation

Beitrag von fotoJuraj »

Dear Horst,

Thanks again for your original help re: photo album.
I enclosed a screenshot showing a small detail from it:
Birds screenshot.jpg
Also thanks for the help with the posting.
Best regards,

Juraj Dolanjski
Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 26.01.11, 2:03

Re: Photo Book turning page animation

Beitrag von fotoJuraj »

Hello Gerhard,

Thank you for your suggestions. As my design approach was rather simple and I was only stuck in one area that Horst helped me with, I have now solved the problem.
However seeing your two book renditions, I really liked them and will study it to see how I may be able to use the similar. Thanks for the ideas.
Nice travel photography!
Hope you had great experience in Croatia, as that is where I am from, now living in Canada.

best regards,
Juraj Dolanjski
Beiträge: 202
Registriert: 30.12.14, 11:38

Re: Photo Book turning page animation

Beitrag von _Andreas_ »

gmgroeb hat geschrieben:...create a digital version with FlipPDF from the InDesign-Output. One example: ... index.html
Best Regard
Hi Gerhard,
even that it is not direct a topic for mObjects but thanks a lot for the proposal of FlipPDF from InDesign.
Grüße aus dem Bergischen Land, Andreas | Mitglied im
Beiträge: 11
Registriert: 11.03.15, 23:17

Re: Photo Book turning page animation

Beitrag von herring3 »

Hello and good evening,

there are some options inside mobjects for a turning page. I would like to suggest to have a look into the forum of Rainer Schulze-Kahleyss. One option is described in tipp 751. There is also a link how it works. Maybe it's easier to use than to go to third-party-Software.

Best regards Dietrich
Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 26.01.11, 2:03

Re: Photo Book turning page animation

Beitrag von fotoJuraj »

Hello Dietrich,

Thank you for your tip. As you would see in previous messages, I developed m.Objects based picture album technique, but was stuck in one area, that Horst was able to help me with.
Part of the problem with Tipps is that they are in German and not easy to navigate by searching in English, even with Google translate.

best regards,
Juraj Dolanjski