DTS-Encoding in MObjects.

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Registriert: 08.02.03, 13:33
Wohnort: Willebroek

DTS-Encoding in MObjects.

Beitrag von droopie007 »


I would like to know if it is possible to import a wav.file with DTS encoding in M Objects, please.

DTS is the code used in music environnement, to create surround. You can find this code in many applications such as Cubase and other music programmes.

If M Objects can 'read' a wav file with DTS encoded, then I believe we can create surround with our images.

Or does M Obects have other plans to import 'surround' in the program?

Thanks in advance for yoy reply, which you can do in German or English language.

:D :D :D
Dirk Rosenthal
Beiträge: 1491
Registriert: 23.06.02, 23:22
Wohnort: Siegerland

Beitrag von Dirk Rosenthal »

Hallo droopie,

m.objects kann keinen mehrkanaligen Surround-Sound importieren sondern ausschließlich nur Stereo ( bzw. Mono) Audiodateien.

Eine Möglichkeit für mehrkanalige Audioausgabe aus m.objects heraus währe der Einbau von mehrkanäligen Soundkarten, hier muß aber jeder Kanal einzeln ansprechbar sein, was bei vielen Musiker-Soundkarten gegeben ist.

Diese Kanäle lassen sich dann in m.objects über die Treiberzuordnung so Konfigurieren das jeder Kanal einzeln ansprechbar ist und somit Surroundsound möglich ist.

Diese Vorgehensweise ist auch bei Einbau mehrerer Soundkarten möglich.

I hope you understand my German language
Bleibt gesund

Schöne Grüße
Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 08.02.03, 13:33
Wohnort: Willebroek


Beitrag von droopie007 »


thanx very much for your answer.

I already thuoght to work with such a soundcart and a dedicated mixer, so you can do the neccessary, during the shows.

I herefore use wether a MOTU 828 MKII on USB, wether a RME Fireface.

I know that for soundapplications firewire is better, but for our applications and for M Objects, USB 2.0 will do the job as well.

Anyway, thanks again for your answer.

Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 08.02.03, 13:33
Wohnort: Willebroek

Motu 828 USB 2.0 - Surround

Beitrag von droopie007 »


I come back to a problem we spoke before.

I tried to hook up a soundcart Motu - 828 USB 2.0, to M Objects, in order to create surround, using the 8 induvidual outs of the Motu.

This did not work.

I only had signal on 1and2 of the dirct out.

I saw in the driver section of M Objects that the program loaded only 1 driver for the directs out + 1 driver for the main out + 1 driver for the SPDIF of the cart.

This give me indeed 6 outputs.

I could use these ports to create surround, OK, but that was not what I hoped to do. I would like very much to use 6 ports of the 8 directs outs instead.

I then hook then up to a mixer and the job is thone.

In Cubase they use ASIO for this, I suppose M Objects does not have these drivers?

I contacted the musicshop, where I usually go, they also advised me to install ASIO drivers for M Objects.

Is there any other solution for this problem?

As you know I read German language, but sorry, I cannot write it.

Thanks in advance for your answer.
Site Admin
Beiträge: 1284
Registriert: 20.06.02, 15:27
Wohnort: Münster (Westf.)

Beitrag von m.objects »

What m.objects license are you using?
m.objects pro (up to 256 audio tracks) or m.objects plus?

As far as I know, the MOTU 828 is mounted by m.objects as several separate Stereo sound adapters. As m.objects pro supports up to 8 adapters, you should be able to assign all channels you need.
The driver might offer much more adapters than just the sym./asym. analogue outs, hence there should be an otpion do disable the ADAT / S/P-DIF outs in order to prevent m.objects registering them first instead of the desired outputs.

In case you do not find a way to get this running, you could send the box to us or visit us, so we could have a look at it. We already used Motu USB multi-channel cards in some projects, but I do not have one on-hand at this time.

Best regards
Steffen Richter
Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 08.02.03, 13:33
Wohnort: Willebroek

Beitrag von droopie007 »


Thanks for your answer.

obviously, there are things I do not understand very well, so I explain, what I have done: (maybe I did this wrong?)

I have the following sounddrivers in M objects 4.5:

* Motu Phones with 32 virtual mixers.
* Motu Analog with 32 virtual mixers.
* Motu Main out with 32 virtual mixers.
* Moti SPDIF with 32 virtual mixers.

So, indeed, I have 4 sound adapters.

I load 1 mixer of each driver in my soundtrack area and then I become indeed 8 outputs. ( 4 stereo)

I then have the following sound:

2 outputs on to the phones bus.
2 outputs on to the analog output 1 and 2 (here is my big issue::)
2 outputs on to the main out busses.
2 outputs on then to the SPDIF.

What I want to do is to send all the sound to the 8 direct outs. or at least 4 or 6 of them. But whatever I do in M Objects or in the cue mix of MOTU, everytime the analog out goes only to the 1 and 2 direct out. Why is this?

I think I do something wrong, but I do not see my problem, sorry.

I hope I was clear in my explanation.

Site Admin
Beiträge: 1284
Registriert: 20.06.02, 15:27
Wohnort: Münster (Westf.)

Beitrag von m.objects »

Unfortunately, I cannot check this out myself for now. But I think there should be a switch in one of the Motu driver's property pages (not inside m.objects) for changing the assignment mode for the outputs.
Some Motu drivers offer an option named "Enable Routing". If enabled, you probably can control the availibility of each output pair by a separate checkbox.

Best regards
Steffen Richter