No sound when playing exe

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Beiträge: 25
Registriert: 14.03.09, 19:18

No sound when playing exe

Beitrag von MikeOates »

When I create an exe file it plays ok on the PC I created it on, but when I try to run the exe file on another PC there is no sound.

Also. When I create a .mpg file, this will work fine on my PC, but will not play at all on other PCs - no video or sound. Windows Media player says it may have been created with an unsupported codec. The main part of this presentation was a movie file originally AVI but converted to a WMV file with mob_VideoTranscoder.exe for use in m.objects.

This is using Windows XP SP3 and the latest m.objects Build 2149. I am new to this program and just bought the full Pro version. I thought any exe files would work on any windows PC.

Please can you help.


NOTE: I have sorted out the mpg playing, that now works, the PC needed an mpeg2 codec which I got by installing a DVD player. The big problem though is the exe files with no sound. This has been a problem on a number of different computers.
Beiträge: 25
Registriert: 14.03.09, 19:18

Beitrag von MikeOates »

Can someone send me a link to a short exe file that I can download and try. This will help me narrow down the problem. The exe file must have audio.

If your example works on other PCs I have, then the problem must be the creation of the exe file in the first place. If it does not play, the problem must be on my other PCs, i.e. they maybe missing some drivers?

My main problem is that I can't read German, so I can't read the help files, this forum, or the tipps. I may just be doing something wrong. I am now wondering if I made the right choice buying m.objects. :cry:

Thank you,

Beiträge: 25
Registriert: 14.03.09, 19:18

Beitrag von MikeOates »

I am slowly narrowing down the problem. I have downloaded the three demo exe’s from the Galerie section of this forum. They all play the sound track on my other computers. So it is not a driver issue on these computers.

What it must be is the way m.objects is setup on my main computer that I use m.objects on. Can someone tell me how to set it up so that no matter what computer the final exe is played on, the audio will play. On my computer I have a 12 in and 12 out sound system connected by firewire, the default output is channels 1 & 2 for left and right. I am using Echo AudioFire12. (see: ... /index.php) I cannot seem to change it from this.

Can someone please help? I was going to show a presentation on Friday evening, I don’t think this will now happen.

Thank you,

Beiträge: 165
Registriert: 19.03.07, 22:39
Wohnort: Chiemgau

Beitrag von Wolftaube »

Hi Mike,

my english ist not so good, but I hope you understand me.
Do you know the possibility to edit the sound-drivers in m.objects?
You have to klick the wrench in the menu-bar. Now you can see an icon (with a wave) on the left side (point "0") of each audio-track. This icons are the "m.objects-audio-drivers". You can erase them and choose another ones in the Toolwindow per drag&drop.
I think, m.objects on your PC with Echo Audiofire12 chooses automatically drivers, they are not compatible with standard-soundcards.
In your case I would copy your Show-project to a PC with a standard soundcard and change the audio-drivers in m.objects. when you can hear the sound on this system, you can create the EXE-file with it.
Or the second way: you play with different audio-drivers (in m.objects) on your PC (with echo audiofire12) till you find the right audio-driver.

I hope this will help you and your Show can start on friday.

Beiträge: 25
Registriert: 14.03.09, 19:18

Beitrag von MikeOates »


Thank you for your reply. Yes I do understand you, your English is very good.

I have tried both your suggestions and they still do not work.

I tried:

1. Changing the audio driver from the Echo AudioFire12 to the built-in soundcard card a NVIDIA(R) nForce(TM) Audio and the exe file does play on this PC even though that sound cards output is not being used. But when I ran the exe file on 3 other PCs there was no sound. I even created a new show with just a short audio clip and 2 pictures.

2. I installed m.objects on another PC that has a standard soundcard a (SoundMax Digital Audio) any exe files made from this did not play sound on any other PC including the one I just created the file on, even though it did play sound within m.objects.

There is something very odd going on and it could be something very simple to sort out. I could just be me doing something wrong.

I would have thought that there should be a device available that is called “Default Windows Soundcard” or something like that, so that when audio is in an exe file, it will automatically be sent to the default soundcard of the computer that it is being run on.

But the only options I have are the actual soundcards that are in the computer which are of course specific cards that may not be found on other computers that the exe file will be run on.

I am totally lost, I really hope someone can help me.

Thank you,

Beiträge: 25
Registriert: 14.03.09, 19:18

Beitrag von MikeOates »

This is getting stranger and stranger. I found out by accident that if I press any of the following keys when the show is running: [Enter], [Page Down] or [Left or Down Cursor] the audio starts to play. It obviously advances to the next image by doing that.

Anyone got any ideas why?

And it does not seem to matter which sound devices I created the exe with, they all work. Remember the exe show will play on the computer that is was created on ok, it is just on any other computer that I seem to have to press one of the above keys to get the sound to work.

Beiträge: 25
Registriert: 14.03.09, 19:18

Beitrag von MikeOates »


I was able to show my presentation on Friday evening at an AV meeting, but I had to ask the projectionist to press the ENTER key after starting the show. I should not have to do this.

Today I played the exe file on my mothers laptop which uses Vista and the sound played ok without pressing any keys.

In a previous message I said that I was wondering if I had made the right choice buying m.objects. I just want to point out why I said that, it is because I can’t read German so it is MY failing at not being able to read German that is stopping me from getting the help I obviously need. I am sure that m.objects is a fine program and is capable of producing very good shows. I just wish that this problem could be fixed soon.

Thank you,

Hans Leunig
Beiträge: 76
Registriert: 25.06.02, 0:44
Wohnort: Hannover

Beitrag von Hans Leunig »

Hi Mike,

while reading your postings last week I tried to get behind your problem. I got no suggestion how to solve it. My opinion: it is not an M.Objects bug. Perhaps it has to do with a Windows-installation. Please, try to install m.objects on your mother's PC. Copy all files (pics, sound, etc.) to it. Don't forget your dongle! Start m.objects, and retry to produce an .EXE-file.
Perhaps this can help to narrow the problem.
(Last week my sound card wasn't recognized by m.objects. After running the system restauration it was o.k. again. Don't know, what the reason was. That's windows.(;-))

Good luck, Hans
Beiträge: 25
Registriert: 14.03.09, 19:18

Beitrag von MikeOates »


I have already installed m.objects on another PC, which I said in my reply to Wolftaube in point 2. I was trying to use a PC with a standard soundcard (This was on a Windows XP PC). I am really puzzled.

I have downloaded a demo called FF_WS2_Yellowstone which does not have an exe file, so I generated one and tried to run that, there is no sound until I press Enter.

Perhaps if someone could make available a download that does have sound and has both the exe and the .mos file plus images and sounds. I can then make my own exe file and see which will work. If mine does not work, there must be a problem with by set up and perhaps by comparing the two exe files a difference may be found.

Thank you,

Hans Leunig
Beiträge: 76
Registriert: 25.06.02, 0:44
Wohnort: Hannover

Beitrag von Hans Leunig »


I could send you a short .mos-file including pictures and sound. and the exe-file as well.

You just have to download it from
Details will be sent in a personal message, o.k.?

Cheers, Hans
Beiträge: 25
Registriert: 14.03.09, 19:18

Beitrag von MikeOates »

Hans Leunig hat geschrieben:Mike,

I could send you a short .mos-file including pictures and sound. and the exe-file as well.

You just have to download it from
Details will be sent in a personal message, o.k.?

Cheers, Hans
Yes please :D


Oostdijck Arie A.
Beiträge: 32
Registriert: 21.08.04, 17:44
Wohnort: STEENWIJK Holland

Beitrag von Oostdijck Arie A. »

Hallo Mike,
Sorry for my bad english. Did you check your directX from Microsoft XP. Microsoft send you updates for a lot of files of XP but not for directX. A lot of people had problems with games and video while there software did not work well with directX. Have a look on this side: ... layLang=nl. Perhaps it helps you.
Seit meine Pensionierung mit m.objects. Im Anfang mit baessgen TCX 4040 Steuergeraet und 3 Kodak sav projectoren, spaeter mit die digitale Version. Mitglied von zwei Clubs fuer diese Hobby.
Beiträge: 25
Registriert: 14.03.09, 19:18

Beitrag von MikeOates »

Hello Arie, thank you for your message,

Yes I am sure I did the DirectX update, on my main PC and some others.

I have just done another m.objects install on another PC, one at work, it is a new machine with triple core processor and runs Windows XP Home SP3. It has a standard soundcard on the motherboard.

When I compile an exe on this machine the exe file still has no sound, even when run on the same machine. Pressing enter starts the sound. I do hear the sound just fine when I am editing the show within m.objects.

Just to be sure I did the DirectX update as you linked to and that made no difference.

Hans Leunig
Beiträge: 76
Registriert: 25.06.02, 0:44
Wohnort: Hannover

Beitrag von Hans Leunig »

Hello Mike,

have you got my message, and could you download the stuff from mydrive?

Beiträge: 25
Registriert: 14.03.09, 19:18

Beitrag von MikeOates »

With great thanks to Hans for allowing me to download one his shows together with his exe file, I think I am now close to sorting out the problem.

I made my own exe with Hans show files and with this exe file the sound did not work, but Hans exe did, however my exe file was much larger. So I tried different mp3 compression settings to see if I could make my exe file the same as his. I then found that using settings of 128, 160, 192 and 224 the exe show all now work fine. I have only used 256 before on my shows as I wanted the best quality.

I think there may be a problem with the mp3 compression when set at 256.

So to test this can other people try to make an exe file with the compression for the mp3 set to 256 and see if you get sound on another PC, not just on the one you created the exe file on.

I have already sent a message to Steffen Richter.

Thank you,
