Leinwandmodul doesn't stay

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Registriert: 28.10.13, 0:28

Leinwandmodul doesn't stay

Beitrag von berto »


The screen (leinwandmodul) just show's for a second or so and then dissapear; It is impossible to view pictures. In the "Einstellungen" when I choose leinwand einstellungen there is no drop-down menu. I downloaded the software again and installed it but it didn't help.
I use Windows 10 version 1809 and m-objects v7.1 build 2347.
Can someone help here? I have a presentation to deliver next tuesday.
Albert van de Mosselaer Belgium
Beiträge: 162
Registriert: 07.04.12, 20:02
Wohnort: Thüringer Vogtland

Re: Leinwandmodul doesn't stay

Beitrag von Jörg_E »

Hi berto,

is it possible you built the show on your desktop computer with 2 monitors and check now on your laptop?
If the screen was on not on the main monitor, you cannot see it on your laptop. If the beamer is connected, you will find it.

Was that the failure?
Viele Grüße aus dem Vogtland
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 28.10.13, 0:28

Re: Leinwandmodul doesn't stay

Beitrag von berto »

Thank you jörg_e for your reply.

Friday I had a personal mail from Steffen who told me to look after the drivers of the graphics card. I did just that and the problem was gone.
I often use the both screens and I know the issue you are talking about.
Thank you anyway for your concern.

Site Admin
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Re: Leinwandmodul doesn't stay

Beitrag von m.objects »

If the screen was on not on the main monitor, you cannot see it on your laptop. If the beamer is connected, you will find it.
Just a small correction:
In normal applications, m.objects automatically places the output on an available screen (for example, the primary display) when no device is connected to the previously used output.

Best regards
Steffen Richter