.moa shows

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Henk Tulp
Beiträge: 102
Registriert: 29.07.05, 15:55
Wohnort: Oosterhout Nederland

.moa shows

Beitrag von Henk Tulp »

Since V8.0 Build 2402 every 5 minutes (my setting) the window showing .moa comes forward.
In that window I have to confirm that I want to store a .moa
Is this a bug?
Site Admin
Beiträge: 1284
Registriert: 20.06.02, 15:27
Wohnort: Münster (Westf.)

Re: .moa shows

Beitrag von m.objects »

Generally this means eather you have opened a .moa file that now should be stored as .mos, or you created a new file that has not yet be stored with a valid file name.

Best regards
Steffen Richter