laptop with dvi port ?

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laptop with dvi port ?

Beitrag von Patrick »

Is there anyone who has experience with a perfect projection (mobjects exe) using a laptop (16:9 screen) having a DVI port ? I now use a desktop PC PIV-2,6 (with DVI port on a Nvidia Geforce 5600XT - 256 DDR RAM) with a beamer Sanyo PVL Z2 (16:9 - 1280 x720 pixels)
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Registriert: 19.01.04, 21:50
Wohnort: 76646 Bruchsal

Laptop with DVI

Beitrag von huberbaua »

I will try to give you an answer, I hope in not much bad English.
I have a Dell Inspiron 8600 with a Portstation including a DVI Port on the Portstation.
When I do my show with my beamer using a very long DVI Cable, such as 10 Meters, I get problems with Standing Pictures. In dark areas of the pictures there are some kinds like glimmering yellow points.
When I do the same with a normal long DVI Cable such as 1,5 Meters I don`t have any problems.
Another thing what I`ve known now: It`s better to take the DVI Port and not the VGA Port because of better projection (sharper). And I think the best is when you have the pictures to show in the same Pixels like your Beamer can bring. Then there is no reason to get worther pictures because then there is no interpolation needed (in the beamer).
Is that what you mean?

Friendly regards from Klaus Huber out of Bruchsal

Beitrag von Patrick »

Thank you for the information !
Site Admin
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Registriert: 20.06.02, 15:27
Wohnort: Münster (Westf.)

Beitrag von m.objects »

Hello Patrick!

In general, Klaus Huber is right in proposing to use the DVI Port.
We experienced the following problem with the Sanyo PLV-Z2 though: It shows a banding effect (color quantization) if the DVI input is used. This is most noticeable when dissolving images that contain colour gradients.
Using the analog Input (the RGB part of the same input connector), this is not a problem.
If you use a high quality VGA cable and drive the projector with its native resolution of 1280 by 720 pixels at 60Hz, the projection won't be fuzzy - there should be no visible difference in sharpness compared to the DVI.
Another advantage of analog VGA connection ist that the (high quality) cable can be much longer.
However, VGA mode might require manual timing adjustments through the projectors menu to achieve optimum results meanwhile DVI mode doesn't.

Best regards
Steffen Richter